« While the notion of sticking to a single specialism becomes increasingly antiquated, the world witnesses a rising interest in the interdisciplinary realm. Généraliste is a school of thought that encourages seeing the bigger picture by drawing on multiple disciplines. The interests span various sectors allowing a more global, unified perspective to a series of concepts, problems, or phenomena. Imaginatica provides a platform for the epitome of this approach. It’s no longer enough to be an expert in only one field, as we witness the intersection of many disciplines in solving complex global issues, such as climate change, poverty, technological advancements, and global public health. Généraliste stands as an innovative antidote to that encapsulated perspective, driving creativity, and fostering adaptability. Moreover, recent trends indicate the increasing demand for individuals mastering this approach, especially in the business and technology sectors. Tasked with tackling diverse challenges, these generalists, or ‘Renaissance people’, as they are sometimes referred to, leverage the interconnectedness of ideas and knowledge from various disciplines, proving this approach’s relevance and importance in our dynamic and evolving world. »
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